Or...UV-B radiation is blocked by Cannabis monoterpenes -- so what's "illegal"?
It was surreal, fascinating, though a sadly de-energizing trip, to observe the intentional immobilization of the grassroots Cannabis culture by the monied, drug policy reform establishment (oxymoron). DPA's duplicity was explicitly revealed in the spontaneous outburst by Ethan Nadelmann at the Berkeley NORML conference last Saturday. The mere mention of "essential civilian demand" was enough to cause Ethan to violate Robert's Rules of Order in a spontaneous outburst that was so panicked and vehement as to be unintelligible.
I wonder if anyone remembers what Ethan actually said, when he terminated my brief moment (perhaps 30 seconds?) at the public microphone. All I recall is Ethan's loud, unruly response to my question about a federal strategy of "essential civilian demand" (1,2), directed to Assemblyman Tom Ammiano.
Giving Ethan the benefit of the doubt that he is truly working to effect an end to Cannabis prohibition, rather than choreographing an industry coup under the direction of George Soros, has become impossible and incredible., In fact, at the Berkeley NORML conference, Ethan clumsily abandoned his usual composure to dismiss a potentially effective legal strategy to end prohibition, with subversive, authoritarian misdirection.
Rather than affording me a few minutes to introduce the most compelling arguments and strategies for achieving Cannabis freedom (as conference attendees were repeatedly invited & effectively prevented from doing), and raise support for Roger Christie in Hawaii, the NORML conference lined up attorneys and bureaucrats to further confuse the direct action element of the grassroots Cannabis contingent.
From his condescending reference to my writing as "stuff" to his failure to acknowledge the significance of hempen atmospheric monoterpenes, the leader of the drug policy reform establishment either doesn't want to believe in, or doesn't understand the significance of Cannabis vs. climate change. Even more disturbing is his obstruction of truth, and other people's right to hear and consider it.
I told Ethan immediately after the panel dispersed, that what's lacking in the drug policy reform establishment is a commitment to truth. Without it we are lost. Leaders sacrifice credibility when they lose respect for the truth and the responsibility for humility that goes with it. Too bad. For awhile, Ethan was a great leader toward reason, and an effective spokesperson for the inevitable, rational result. In derailing a critically important message of truth, that I have sent him for years, he has relegated himself to being just another footnote to an insolvent economy buying time on a dying planet.
If DPA refuses to participate in a moderated discussion on Cannabis vs. climate change, then all of you DPA $upporter$ who really want prohibition to end this year, instead of "someday,maybe" can stop sending money to George Soros, and start sending it to Roger Christie. As far as I know, DPA hasn't sent Roger Christie a thin dime in twenty-five years of activism.
Now that Roger Christie's Ministry has been arrested and charged federally; and Roger Christie (a recognized "Peacemaker" in Hawaii) is currently imprisoned-without-trial; denied bail five times; slandered as a "danger to his community"; been denied visitors; and had his trial postponed until April 26th, Roger has transcended himself by eliciting ham-fisted injustice from the prison industrial complex. Roger's "Trial for the Century" is the grassroots counter-point to the impacted, too comfortable, drug policy reform establishment, of which Ethan Nadelmann is the appointed head.
Only when Roger Christie walks out of federal prison, a free Cannabis Minister, will the integrity of the Constitution and the spiritual legitimacy of the world's oldest culture be restored, for the first time in our lives.
Federal references to "essential civilian demand"
1. Executive Order 12919 of June 3, 1994
National Defense Industrial Resources Preparedness
Sec. 103. General Functions.
Federal departments and agencies responsible for defense acquisition (or for industrial resources needed to support defense acquisition) shall:
(a) Identify requirements for the full spectrum of national security emergencies, including military, industrial, and essential civilian demand;
Sec. 901. Definitions.
(e) ‘‘Food resources’’ means all commodities and products, simple, mixed, or compound, or complements to such commodities or products, that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals, irrespective of other uses to which such commodities or products may be put, at all stages of processing from the raw commodity to the products thereof in vendible form for human or animal consumption. ‘‘Food resources’’ also means all starches, sugars, vegetable and animal or marine fats and oils, cotton, tobacco, wool, mohair, hemp, flax fiber, and naval stores, but does not mean any such material after it loses its identity as an agricultural commodity or agricultural product.
2. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 44 - Emergency Management and Assistance--CHAPTER I--FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY >
Title 44 - Emergency Management and Assistance
(f) At Stage 1, declaration of national emergency or war, the crisis is under the control of NSC or other central authority, with GMR being integrated into partial, full or total mobilization. At this point the more traditional mechanisms of resource mobilization are pursued, focusing on resource allocation and adjudication with cognizance of the essential civilian demand.
"The DPA is the leading organization spearheading the reform of Cannabis policies in the United States, and has been made up of some of the most powerful and influential characters in today’s global petro-bio-chemical-military-banking-industrial complex."