Saturday, October 6, 2007

Minutes to Midnight

Cannabis agriculturists being imprisoned for carrying out their essential work reveals a perversion of the justice system so extreme as to portend synergistic collapse of structures upon which we all depend. Andre Furst must immediately be released, as the Cannabis plant is being globally (though much too slowly) recognized for its true value. I suggest that we all see clearly that, because of the importance of Cannabis for "atmospheric forcing," our survival may depend upon how much Cannabis we can grow, how fast.

At this time of the year in many countries of the world, the "Million 'Marijuana' March" translates to a global harvest celebration. I suggest that people who profit from sale of the herb would do well to consider how directly their own freedom to farm is connected to Andre's. Will the Cannabis culture rally support for Andre's release, before the court mistakenly renders its misanthropic decision?

My vision of what may be needed is an on-line digital video film blitz, with all the films of Chanvre Info that have been made, broadcast everywhere possible, along with the call from the Global Cannabis Culture for his release. I believe it is important for people to see what Andre has achieved, and why it is worth praise not prison.

I will let you all know when I manage to coordinate this in some form on-line, and encourage you all to gather the digital videos that you have made or know of. In the meantime, anyone who would care to help is invited to contact me off-list.

The international drug policy reform, harm reduction, medical marijuana, hemp agriculture community had better stand up for Andre Furst, to make certain he is immediately released. Shame on anyone who turns their backs on the best hope for our species. Cannabis agriculture has the potential to be a primary mitigating measure, producing atmospheric aerosols and sequestering carbon to heal global UV-B broiling and warming.

Andre Furst is an exceptionally courageous ambassador for the world's most ancient global culture. For him to remain in prison is an international outrage of global and historic dimensions. To outlaw such an eloquent expression of how the world could and must eventually be is a crime of immense gravity.

I extend my heartfelt condolences to Andre Jr. and family Chanvre Info. Next spring, it is my individual intention to replicate the model of sustainability exactly as Andre Furst has accomplished with Cannabis at Chanvre Info.

Failure of the Swiss courts to free Andre Furst, and primitive violence being threatened at the farm, are symbolic of each other. If the inhumanity of the irrational is inflicted then we will all be set back by it.

Andre must not be allowed to be culled from the progressive herd by a chemically corrupted court. His expertiece in biodynamic Cannabis agriculture and sustainable manufacturing of fuels, essential oils, and building materials is invaluable. It is the trail that we all must take, as soon as possible, if our children are to inherit a liveable planet.

Cannabis agriculture is not optional. It is morally obligatory, out of proportionate spiritual respect for the rights of past, present and future generations to use "every herb bearing seed."

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