Saturday, November 20, 2010

The legal purchase of documentation

The legal purchase of documentation
WHAT a waste of time...It is SUCH a shameful, counter-productive mistake to disparage the THC Ministry.

If it wasn't WORKING, then the 'feral government' wouldn't be violating due process to find Roger guilty-without-trial! SHUT THE FU, Russ&Peeair, Roger's accomplishments DWARF any suck-face criticism of his methods. The sheer validity and functional integrity of Roger Christie's work of the past twenty-five years makes Pierre's self-stroking essay stupidly self-indulgent and unconscionably obscene. What a twat...

Roger has KICKED ASS for TEN YEARS! with the truth. THAT's why he's being spanked by the dick-less, lying, anti-Constitutional feds.

By jumping on board the bitchwagon, and casting Roger's considerable achievements in a disrespectful light (while he's sequestered in prison, DISALLOWED visitors AND illegally denied bail four times!)) Belville and Pierre have banished themselves to the 'purgatory' of mediocrity.

TOO bad Russ, you were ALMOST "radical." As it is, by FAILing to act in the interest of national security, by FAILing to honor the First Amendment, and by dismissing a potent FEDERAL legal strategy, that's been painstakingly constructed over the past three decades by Roger Christie, and sacrificed for by previous generations; for ALL the good you may have done in the past; you've suddenly rendered yourself intellectually inconsequential in the larger scope of ultimately compelling rational argument. WHATEVER WORKS IS FAIR in ending Cannabis prohibition!!!! Don't you get that? Who the hell are you to judge the validity of religious freedom? however Roger chooses to define it?

Roger Christie is a modern day hero, for his forthright and righteous representation, demonstrated regard for the spiritual legitimacy of the world's OLDEST global culture. Roger's success is about WHO HE IS and how he represents one perspective on an infinite CANNABIS SPIRITUALITY, on behalf of ALL of people who feel a spiritual connection to the Cannabis plant, "RELIGIOUS" OR 'spiritual' or 'recreational' or 'nutritional' or 'industrial 'or NOT!

How can you not get that? Love is the limit of law, NOT the other way around. Roger represents the love of the Cannabis plant translated into legal, Constitutionally potent religious terms. The government said "this," & Roger did "that" in order to comply, codify, legitimize, cooperate... and you don't support it. Shame on you for all the sorrow perpetuated by divisiveness.

Others have attempted to invoke a religious defense and failed because they didn't have the legitimate spiritual foundation, the demonstrated spiritual regard, the holistic comprehension, the dedication and purity of motivation that Roger has -- even in prison, ROGER STILL BELIEVES in the power of the truth -- the true value of Cannabis -- the spiritual legitimacy of Cannabis -- the REAL meaning of "every herb bearing seed" the first test of religious freedom. .. Roger's Ministry opened the doors, and faced-down prohibition in downtown Hilo, everyday! and won for ten years!

Roger's effort has been characterized by his enormous courage, unimpeachable sincerity, capable diplomacy and multiple, considerable, successes in giving a legitimate defense to prosecution. NO! It didn't work in every case as it should have--it just worked in a LOT of cases, where people's rights were respected by law enforcement!!!!!! How dare anyone minimize the importance of that. Even ONE instance of a person's rights being honored is reason to respect Roger's work !

Roger has given a (quite handsome) human face, high moral integrity, enormous grace, inarguable intellect, functional rationale, and public dignity to the spurious, fraudulent arguments against Cannabis freedom for twenty-five years! Roge has been brave enough to recognize the spiritual dimensions of the world's oldest global culture while others jaw-boned about piss-ant, self-interested propositions (#19) and superficial statutes. Roger's work means more than all the bullshit I've listened to for the past twenty years, including wading through all the bickering to get to this comment.

Oh, and by the way -- just to set the record straight -- NORML SCKS. HOW much money has NORML gotten from people to end prohibition? And how miserably have they failed? And how limited have NORML, MPP, DPA, ASA and all the other well-funded reform groups been, in presenting neutered arguments to end prohibition?

I am quite frankly DISGUSTED with the mealy-mouth divisiveness of the drug reform movement. Shame on Ethan and Keith and HT and all the rest of the stoner crowd for failing to raise the full force of reason to end this stupid, extinctionistic "debate."

How's this for a clear and proportionately realistic argument of the drug policy situation:

If we don't end Cannabis prohibition,
by this spring (!), then
we're ALL going to fucking die!

Google "global broiling" if you doubt this.

GET IT -- Extinction OR survival? Our choice! You don't have to be "religious" to understand that. By the way, Russ religious freedom includes the freedom to be an atheist, so you better hope Roger isn't convicted if you enjoy your unreligious freedom.

Why haven't I read a comprehensive argument on NORML's impotent website? Or DPA's? Or eMPeePee's, or ASA's? Does anyone who knows more than just a little about marijuana doubt that this is true?

If you still have doubts, then PLEASE! for the sake of your children and mine, GO to and listen to sixty minutes of undiluted truth (See Ken's broadcast of 11/15/2010). If that isn't enough to wake you are up then you're far deader much sooner than you know.

Oh, and Don't look to me for amiability and diplomacy while my best friend is in prison. That's Roger's forte, not mine.