Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Where Next for Marijuana Reform?" NORML in Berkeley -- A Plan for the Now! Year

Aloha! & kine regards to all who are on course to participate in the NORML conference at the end of this month. I trust it will serve a broader understanding and maximize efficient use of everyone's precious time, to offer in advance what I feel is the most effective public protocol for ending Cannabis prohibition, by this Spring -- not in 2012.

Time is the limiting factor in the equation of survival. Increasing UV-B radiation is of primary ecological concern. Cannabis must be intensively planted this spring for the production of atmospheric "monoterpenes," biogenic sunscreen for the planet.

While informative and stimulating, drug policy reform events have typically effectively misled and postponed drug policy reform progress by perpetuating bureaucratic confusion at the grassroots level. Clear-cut, simple strategies for an effective, national shift in policy have been marginalized from within the entrenched drug policy reform establishment. Typically there is an arrogant unwillingness to advance arguments inclusive of industrial hemp as part of a comprehensive legal mandate to end marijuana prohibition through objective resource revaluation.

Simple strategies calling for formal revaluation of Cannabis agriculture are casually dismissed as idealistic without being seriously discussed. Instead the concerned public is being misguided into supporting expensive and convoluted political campaigns that introduce division and go nowhere.

There isn't time for the drug policy reform community's continued failure to end Cannabis prohibition. The NORML conference will best serve it's stated objectives if it is the catalyst for a class-action federal lawsuit charging the DEA with "misprision of treason." Failing to act on the true value of Cannabis is a threat to national security.

Waiting until 2012 to try to end Cannabis prohibition by the timid uncertain comfort of a popular vote is an unacceptable, ineffective, sheepish waste of time. In the most real and immediate perception possible, obvious conditions of accelerating radical global imbalance require the most direct and comprehensive courses of action possible.

The truth is that Cannabis is both unique and essential, too valuable to be within the rightful jurisdiction of any court. Cannabis is essential for three specific reasons, all of which are critical to human survival, beyond merely "legal." No one needs permission from the electorate to survive. Another vote isn't needed.

NORML, DPA, SSDP, DPFC, LEAP, MPP, ASA, HIA, VH have all failed to identify Cannabis as both unique and essential. It is this failure to accurately assess the true value of Cannabis that has limited the effectiveness of the grassroots Cannabis culture. If the Cannabis culture under-values itself, then how can we demand accountability of our government? Thomas Jefferson singled out hemp as being "of first necessity" while six American Presidents have signed six Executive Orders identifying Cannabis as a"strategic resource."

Cannabis cannot possibly be both "strategic resource" and "Schedule One drug" -- the terms are oxymoronic. Since the definition of "hemp" posted on-line for the past ten years by the DEA is conflicted and blatantly false, it ought to be a very simple legal matter to charge the higher echelon of the DEA with criminal negligence and possible fraud. It is a "misprision of treason" to fail in recognizing the true value of Cannabis, when six American Presidents have signed six Executive Orders identifying hemp as having strategic value.

"Essential civilian demand" is the ultimate product of immediate necessity and true value. An accurate, objective, comprehensive valuation of Cannabis agriculture, ecology, manufacture and trade immediately removes Cannabis from the rightful jurisdiction of any court. Popular vote is not needed, nor is it the most direct way of securing access to any and all strategic food resources.

Neither civilian demand nor individual liberty depends on majority vote. A cogent, efficient rationality rules by existing Constitutional protections, pervasive reason and preeminent concern for the common good.

Once access to hemp for industrial applications is achieved at the national level, a major economic motivation for marijuana prohibition will have been eliminated. The prohibition of marijuana will fall away as people come to recognize the many other benefits of Cannabis. Current imbalances in the marijuana trade will be naturally evened out by widespread cultivation of hemp and the proliferation of more small outdoor marijuana gardens for personal use and regional industries.

Forget diversionary illusions of taxation and regulation. The bureaucratic costs and inefficiencies of both would encumber the free organic agricultural market that requires as much initial momentum as it can get. This year, the United States and other countries could experience an agricultural renaissance, with requisite retooling in preparation for the Fall harvest.

Regional economies based in "Gaiatherapeutic" industries are part of the larger picture, that reconsiders drug policy in the context of fundamental economic and environmental solutions."Essential civilian demand" at the Federal level is what's required, right now, before this spring.

Every planting season that passes without the benefits of Cannabis agriculture is gone forever. If time truly is the limiting factor in the equation of survival, then how hot do things have to get before all solutions are considered?

There is only insanity in continuing the tragic farce of asking for permission to survive from chemically corrupted bankers who run the country, caring only for profit and control. The government is an outlaw to its own Constitution. The American people are being humiliated and bullied by the fear-mongering war machine that dominates through blatant lies, revenue raising and armed intimidation.

By arguing for "legalization" at the state level, rather than moving forward with a federal and international strategies for total Cannabis freedom, the funded drug policy reform establishment validates the drug war. Rather than suspending Cannabis prohibition using the strongest arguments possible, watered-down truths are being understated and doled out in fragmented rationale.

As for Prop19, its greatest short-coming was the potential for vast legal confusion it invited, industry elitism it conveyed and the burdensome record-keeping it institutionalized. Hemp farmers don't need to be taxed and regulated. We need large quantities of fertile, feral American seed and the freedom to plant it.

Poop19 perpetuated the myth of marijuana's "harms" and maintained the illusory need or effectiveness of government oversight (i.e. "control" [sic]).

"Prop-Up-Prohibition # 19" also reinforced the rediculous illusion that a change in the Cannabis laws has to happen legislatively, by popular vote, state by state. It does not. Federal law protects our freedom to farm "every herb bearing seed."

In fact, what Flop 19 did prove is that a direct-line, federal strategy is needed, a strategy that is not contingent on popular approval.

I trust that this will advance further discussion of the most effective and immediate strategy possible.

"Where Next for Marijuana Reform?"

Essentially the question implies a future step, rather than recognizing that we're in mid-step, right Now! The energetic momentum of public support still lingers after the dream of "legalization" was effectively stimulated by the run up to Prop 19.

The time to use that inertia is right Now! The legacy of freedom we are obligated to pass on to our children is not predicated on some vote in 2012. Cannabis prohibition could be ended at the national level through "essential civilian demand" if the full force of truth is applied, using all of the resources available to the drug policy reform community in a coordinated national and international effort. Inviting international opinion into discussion of American drug policy seems obvious. Everyone is impacted by the perverse dynamics of American marijuana policy.

Because of the legitimate historical and tradition link between agriculture and religion, there can be no rightful jurisdiction over any "herb bearing seed" let alone one that has been recognized as critical to national security. THC Ministry founder, Reverend Roger Christie, sits imprisoned-without-bail since July 2010, his trial postponed until April 2011. The outcome of Roger Christie's trial may largely be determined by the rapidly shifting public perception of Cannabis value.

2012 is a million minutes away. Anything can happen between now and the next election. Once the U.S. dollar loses its "preferred currency" status things are going to look a lot more different than anyone can anticipate. The conditions we face require immediate action, not prolonged cooperation with a rogue outlaw political regime that's selling off our country to corrupt banksters.

Any politician who doesn't support the reintroduction of Cannabis into United States agricultural rotations must be regarded as either grossly uninformed, incapable of leadership, or guilty of "misprision of treason" -- failing to act in defense of national security.

The illusion of beneficent governance, into which most of us were born, is fed by our naive trust and dependence. In reality, no one needs permission to survive. Environmental indicators make it apparent that our generation has the particular responsibility of addressing climate change. Reintroducing the world's most useful agricultural resource, back into U.S. crop rotations for the first time in our lives, regardless of majority approval is what's required.

For possible insight into extremes of where we may be headed, if we are not proactive, see

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

I am recommending that we convene an international Court of Public Opinion to publicly decide whether Cannabis is a "Schedule One drug" without value or a "strategic resource" that's critical to national and international security. Revaluation of Cannabis as being both unique and essential will end the prohibition of it.

My goal is to end Cannabis prohibition in time for people to plant it, primarily for reasons of ecological urgency, this spring. The immediate relevance of atmospheric "monoterpene" decline, due to the accelerating death of the world's boreal forests, ought to be of international concern. Monoterpenes protect the Earth from increasing UV-B radiation that's broiling our planet and causing myriad problems, including temperature increase.

Of necessity, the most direct and decisive process for ending prohibition must be implemented immediately. Now that the healing properties of raw Cannabis leaves and flowers is being revealed, there can be no law limiting production of this essential nutritional resource.

A test of rationality is presented to us in the case of Reverend Roger Christie, whose trial is coming up in April, in Hawaii. I'm coordinating an independent offense defense committee in order to participate in the court proceedings as an adviser to the defense. Those people who are interested in helping to secure Roger's release are invited and encouraged to participate.