“What are your experiences in the use and application of the CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) for improving food security and nutrition?”
My experience, over the past twenty years that I’ve been offering practical suggestions in the UN FAO’s FSN forum regarding application of the CFS-RAI has been dominated by consummate frustration in having offered time-limited solutions to actively destabilizing, compounding global problems, without seeing a proportionate, timely response to rapidly worsening conditions.
The ‘Tree of Life’ Solution to Global Extinction
Solutions are simple. It’s the problems that are complicated. But time is running out for any measures that might work.
Uniquely effective, essential and painfully obvious solutions to systemic imbalances have been subjugated, overlooked and internationally ignored for decades. A very small “window of opportunity” for healing this planet is getting smaller, closing at an accelerating rate. Collapse of the entire human social order could come at any minute with the intentional or accidental exchange of nuclear missiles.
Collapse of Earth’s integrated natural systems could likewise come at any second; in unforeseen, “non-linear extinction level events” that we’ve been warned of repeatedly by the IPCC, since 2014. (2)
Global governance seems entranced in rote repetition of entrenched, extinctionistic economic patterns, propping-up status quo illusions of toxic value; wielding impacted, obsolete, dysfunctional & degenerate control systems; rather than initiating timely, innovative, uniquely effective, responsible, coordinated global action to address dangerously unstable human economic & natural systems.
To rebalance mankind’s extreme conditions of essential resource disparity is only possible if we use the singularly effective, biogenic strategy that works with Nature to heal natural systems in the time we may have left to make a difference. (8)
Time is the limiting factor in the equation of survival. Time is the only thing we can’t make more of. Time is the NFT of the 21st century.
With the catastrophic deaths of 50% of the world’s boreal forests and marine phytoplankton in the past seventy years, Cannabis hemp has become mankind’s functional interface with the Natural Order that sustains all life on Earth.
Working with Nature to heal Nature is not optional. Doing the right thing too late achieves the same undesirable, extinctionistic result as doing the wrong things will.
Humanity has precious little time left to fix what we’ve broken. It’s 2022; it’s not 1975 anymore. There is no time left to waste, no room for error, and no time left to delay a global, organic agricultural campaign to heal Earth’s atmosphere of increasing solar UV-B radiation.
Ignoring the most obvious course of action with the greatest possibility of success has yielded no viable alternative strategies, either agricultural or technological. Biogenic, “Gaiatherapeutic” (i.e. Earth-healing) strategies that offer some possible, realistic chance of succeeding in resolving the most fundamental threats to all life on Earth in the time we may have left to make a difference are still not being discussed. COP 26 excluded hemp from the UN Climate Conference, as though we have time to be snobby about solutions.
Time, money and Human Resources are being squandered as people and institutions in positions of influence continue to steer us all toward irreversible, violent systemic collapse, before the middle of this century.
By the time “cascading systems failures” become obvious they will become irreversible. Multiple time-lags & inertial feedback loops obscure awareness of unknowable “ripping points” of recovery, which will have long passed before they are recognized in tragic retrospect.
Economic inertia clouds governance, continuing to perpetuate humankind’s primitive disrespect of natural systems, long after the breakdown in systemic functionality has been revealed by atmospheric monitoring data & empirical observations.
There is only ONE federally-recognized “strategic resource” that yields BOTH complete nutrition and clean energy from the same organic harvest; in more countries, in less time, providing more essential nutrition, environmental benefit & organic agronomic services than any other crop. Why has this plant been banned for eighty-five years, rather than being grown “any where” as George Washington advised? (10)
At the same time, hemp heals Earth’s atmosphere, soil, water, air and wildlife; it can be used to phytoremediate demineralized, contaminated, irradiated, compacted & eroded soils.
A non-invasive pioneer crop that produces complete nutrition & clean energy from the same organic harvest in many countries around the world, in a very short span of time; Cannabis is uniquely qualified to expand Earth’s arable base and increase the carrying capacity of this planet.
In addition, there is only ONE agricultural resource that produces the enormous volume of atmospheric aerosol terpenes that is needed to replenish Earth’s stratosphere with aerosol terpenes, following the catastrophic deaths of the world’s boreal forests and marine phytoplankton, that used to produce twice the volume of terpenes they do now. Terpenes block the increasing solar UV-B radiation that’s “UV-Broiling” the planet at twice the levels and frequency of occurrence compared with levels that used to shield the Earth from the Sun just seventy years ago.
It is madness to stubbornly ignore the only solution there is when it is so obvious. Willful institutional ignorance continues to delay public awareness of the true, unique & essential natural value of Cannabis hemp. It would be especially sad if institutional recalcitrance turns out to be the cause of mankind’s extinction.
As Bill Gates scatters chalk dust from a hot air balloon (5), and mirrors float in space (6), while sulfur missiles are shot at the sky (7), human disrespect for Nature continues to afflict mankind’s social evolution, threatening national security in every country with “additional disputes” predicted after 2030. (4)
Born into an illogical trajectory, we are currently aimed at, and precariously close to, achieving unpredictable global conditions leading inevitably to extinction.
Spring planting season 2022 is upon us. Coordinating every country’s military personnel and coordinated infrastructure, from armies to farmers, means distributing hemp seed to every farmer & home gardener on the planet.
A polar shift in values is needed immediately. Hemp must be recognized as being urgently essential, not illegal. It is the fossil fuels, nuclear energy and military industrial economies that are toxic to Mother Earth. “Reefer Madness” continues to mischaracterize Cannabis hemp, wounding our perceptions of value, a barrier build on fraud, obviating mankind’s realization of our shared desire for world peace.
Absent a timely, proportionate global response, “non-linear extinction level events” will punctuate our continued decline into environmental disintegration and escalating, violent upheaval in the human social order.
Everyone’s best chance for survival depends on all people everywhere understanding the unique and essential value of Cannabis hemp — immediately!
For everyone’s children to inherit a peaceful, livable 22nd century, this Spring 2022 perhaps it might help to consciously, objectively identify Cannabis hemp as fulfilling all of the properties attributed to “the Tree of Life which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” ~ Revelation 22:2 (3)
- United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization Food Security & Nutrition Forum Open Call https://www.fao.org/fsnforum/activities/open-calls/CFS-RAI
- IPCC Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report Headline statements from the Summary for Policymakers https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/ar5_syr_headlines_en.pdf
3. Revelation 22:2 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2022%3A2&version=KJV
4. Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community (Pg. 21) February 7, 2022 https://www.odni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/ATA-2022-Unclassified-Report.pdf
5. Solar Geoengineering: Why Bill Gates Wants It, But These Experts Want To Stop It https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidrvetter/2022/01/20/solar-geoengineering-why-bill-gates-wants-it-but-these-experts-want-to-stop-it/
6. Could Space Mirrors Stop Global Warming? https://www.livescience.com/22202-space-mirrors-global-warming.html
7. Stratospheric Sulfur Geoengineering – Benefits and Risks https://cires.colorado.edu/events/stratospheric-sulfur-geoengineering-%E2%80%93-benefits-and-risks
8. Fragrance of pine forests helps to slow climate change https://www.theguardian.com/science/2006/apr/14/environment.climatechange
9. Cannabis vs. Climate Change: How hot does Earth have to get before all solutions are considered? https://www.amazon.com/Cannabis-vs-Climate-Change-1/dp/1497451477
10. “I am very glad to hear that the Gardener has saved so much of the St. foin seed, and that of the India Hemp. Make the most you can of both, by sowing them again in drills. . . Let the ground be well prepared, and the Seed (St. loin) be sown in April. The Hemp may be sown any where.“ ~ George Washington to William Pearce, 24 February 1794.
Roger Christie · 274 weeks ago
Hi Paulo, aloha!
This is the ONLY place I could find on the internet on Dec. 22, 2019 for a reference to this extremely important study. Bravo for the mention!
Lots of love to you and Rio,