Sunday, December 20, 2015
"Essential civilian demand" for the "strategic" "herb" "hemp."
Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C.
Subject: National security. "Essential civilian demand" for Cannabis "hemp" in accord with "emergency preparedness" powers conveyed by Executive Order 13603, Code of Federal Regulations 44, Defense Production Act of 1950 and other federal, national security documents.
Mr. President,
Thank you for initiating immediate action appropriate to national emergency preparedness, by prioritizing this formal exercise of "essential civilian demand" for the "strategic food resource," Cannabis "hemp."
Essential civilian demand is called for because global climate change is accelerating, threatening everyone with irreversible systemic collapse. "Extinction level" events and geochemical feedback loops already set in motion make 'time' the limiting-factor in determining mankind's chances of survival beyond the 21st century.
Systemic collapse of Earth's environment currently threatens U.S. national security with global disintegrity. Unless our species recognizes the true, unique and essential values of Cannabis hemp, the sickly, violent extinction of our species will soon become inevitable. Our children and grandchildren will suffer an unthinkable future unless we act immediately.
I trust you will lead our nation in the spirit of cooperation appropriate to responsible, timely, "emergency preparedness." There is much work to do before the Spring 2016 planting season, concurrent with infrastructural development needed before the Autumn hemp harvest. The employment creation and economic stimulus potential of Cannabis agriculture, manufacture and trade is virtually unlimited. The urgency of beginning could not be greater.
I look forward to working with you, to implement a successful, proportionate, organic agricultural solution to many problems at once, with maximum priority assigned to normalization of Earth's atmospheric balance. In addition to climate change, health, economics, biofuels energy production, food security and nutrition are other areas of concern which will benefit enormously from immediate reintroduction of hemp on a meaningful scale.
In my recent book entitled "Cannabis vs. Climate Change," I have attempted to explain several unique and essential benefits of hemp that make it valuable beyond the rightful jurisdiction of any court. In essence, Cannabis is mankind's functional interface within the Natural Order. Our freedom to farm hemp is necessary for mankind's industrial development to integrate seamlessly within the Earth's ancient, systemic balance.
Perhaps most significant is the influence of fragrant, atmospheric aerosols called "monoterpenes," exuded in abundance by Cannabis. In 2006, climate scientists announced that monoterpenes produced by the boreal forests and marine phytoplankton, refract solar UV-B radiation away from the surface of the planet and nucleate persistent cloud formation. By the time these geochemical relationships were understood, half of the forests and forty percent of the phytoplankton had already been killed.
Increasing solar UV-B ("global broiling") increases the solubility of mercury and arsenic. Increasing toxicity of Earth's hydrological system is analogous to blood poisoning.
Cannabis is the only crop that produces a sufficient volume of atmospheric monoterpenes needed to replenish what has been lost with the catastrophic deaths of the boreal forests and marine phytoplankton, in the time we may have left to make a difference. Anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-oxidizing and anti-biotic properties of terpenes may also play a role in enhancing and purifying the hydrologic cycle.
Cannabis seed is the world's best source of complete nutrition, an unique dietary "essential" that is required for normal growth and proper immune function. Essential proteins, essential fatty acids and essential amino acids required for proper growth and development, are not synthesized in the body. Cannabis seed contains all of these essential nutrients, and much more. Hemp is the best available source of edestin and albumen proteins, which are critical to immune function and many other processes and functions of the body.
Cannabis is the only agricultural crop that produces complete, essential nutrition and sustainable biofuels from the same harvest, eliminating the trade-off between biofuels energy production and food security. If our species is to overcome our addiction to fossil fuels, without impacting food production and nutrition, Cannabis is an essential crop for simultaneous food, biofuels and fiber production.
Cannabis is both unique and essential to expanding the world's arable base. A non-invasive pioneer crop, capable of regenerating depleted soils and remediating damaged lands, Cannabis is currently being used at Chernobyl to phytoremediate radioactively contaminated soils.
"Drugs" don't make seeds; "herbs" do. They are not equivalent. Seeds are alive, drugs are not. We can grow complete, essential nutrition from herbs, not from drugs. We cannot grow biofuels from drugs; nor can we produce essential atmospheric aerosols from drugs. Only herbs can provide all of these critical environmental services.
Proper definitions are the cornerstone of Justice, fundamental to making specific, legitimate distinctions. As it is presently, in failing to recognize the many differences between drugs and herbs, America's drug laws are "void for vagueness," with collateral injustice inflicted on ancient spiritual traditions, based in appreciation of Nature.
Our freedom to farm "every herb bearing seed" is the first test of religious freedom. Please help me to reclaim our most basic human right, to feed our families the most nutritious food on Earth.
Recognizing the true value of hemp and implementing the federal emergency preparedness protocol, essential civilian demand for Cannabis is our nation's greatest challenge.Thank you for your courage and vision in initiating whatever steps are necessary to achieve the polar shift in Cannabis value from "illegal" to essential.
Sincerely yours,
Paul J. von Hartmann, Cannabis scholar
California Cannabis Ministry
Project P.E.A.C.E. (Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Evolution)
P.O. Box 1119, McCloud, California Republic 96057
(831) 588-5095
December 20, 2015
1. Executive Order 13603, March 16, 2012. Sections 103, 801.
2. CFR 44, Part 334, Section 334.6 "...resource allocation and adjudication with cognizance of the essential civilian demand."
3. United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) March 31, 2014.
4. "Fragrance of pine forests helps to slow climate change" The Guardian, April 2006.
5. Defense Production Act of 1950 "...development of preparedness programs and the expansion of productive capacity and supply beyond levels needed to meet essential civilian demand in the United States."
6. "Cannabis vs. Climate Change: How hot does Earth have to get before all solutions are considered?
7. "And God sad, 'Behold! I have given you every herb bearing seed...and every green herb.'"- Holy Bible, King James Version; Genesis 1:29-31.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
"Cannabis vs. Climate Change - How hot does Earth have to get before an obvious solution is demanded?
Cannabis is the only crop that produces complete nutrition, sustainable energy and atmospheric monoterpenes from the same harvest. That simple truth makes Cannabis mankind's functional interface within the balanced systems of the Natural Order.
'Time' is the only thing we can't make more of. Every growing season that passes without the benefits of Cannabis farming and gardening is an opportunity that is gone forever. That makes time the limiting-factor in the equation of human survival.
Cannabis agriculture is immediately, critically essential to recovering global systemic integrity.
The inevitability of irreversible systemic imbalance makes "hemp" too valuable to be within the rightful jurisdiction of any court.
From a purely legal standpoint, Cannabis cannot be within the rightful jurisdiction of any court. Our freedom to farm "every herb bearing seed" is the first test of religious freedom.
Inadequate, incremental legislation perpetuates the counter-productive, wrongfully usurped authority over a critically essential resource, by simple, disingenuous mischaracterization of an herb as a "drug." The lie we were born into is extended through treasonously corrupted mis-leadership, manipulating the multi-trillion dollar Cannabis market under color of law.
Without Cannabis, our species is a parasite upon the Earth. Unless we actively mobilize to achieve symbiotic relationship with the living planet, our children will suffer the worst of an unthinkable future. If we fail to recognize and gain advantage from the critically essential "strategic" value of Cannabis, global systemic imbalance will continue to degenerate into chaos.
"Essential civilian demand" for our freedom to farm "every green herb" is the priority. If we are to evolve symbiotic human values in time to avert systemic collapse of environment, then we must reverse our assessment of Cannabis from illegal to essential to the proper integrated functioning of environment, economics and the social order.
Please take a minute to do what you can. Help support the grassroots effort to globalize "essential civilian demand" legitimized by the First Amendment. Share this perspective to help others co-create our common future. The threat of global systemic collapse requires a proportionate global response, now.
"The whole history of the progress of human Liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of struggle...If there is no struggle there is no progress...The struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." ~ Frederick Douglass, 1857
'Time' is the only thing we can't make more of. Every growing season that passes without the benefits of Cannabis farming and gardening is an opportunity that is gone forever. That makes time the limiting-factor in the equation of human survival.
Cannabis agriculture is immediately, critically essential to recovering global systemic integrity.
The inevitability of irreversible systemic imbalance makes "hemp" too valuable to be within the rightful jurisdiction of any court.
From a purely legal standpoint, Cannabis cannot be within the rightful jurisdiction of any court. Our freedom to farm "every herb bearing seed" is the first test of religious freedom.
Inadequate, incremental legislation perpetuates the counter-productive, wrongfully usurped authority over a critically essential resource, by simple, disingenuous mischaracterization of an herb as a "drug." The lie we were born into is extended through treasonously corrupted mis-leadership, manipulating the multi-trillion dollar Cannabis market under color of law.
Without Cannabis, our species is a parasite upon the Earth. Unless we actively mobilize to achieve symbiotic relationship with the living planet, our children will suffer the worst of an unthinkable future. If we fail to recognize and gain advantage from the critically essential "strategic" value of Cannabis, global systemic imbalance will continue to degenerate into chaos.
"Essential civilian demand" for our freedom to farm "every green herb" is the priority. If we are to evolve symbiotic human values in time to avert systemic collapse of environment, then we must reverse our assessment of Cannabis from illegal to essential to the proper integrated functioning of environment, economics and the social order.
Please take a minute to do what you can. Help support the grassroots effort to globalize "essential civilian demand" legitimized by the First Amendment. Share this perspective to help others co-create our common future. The threat of global systemic collapse requires a proportionate global response, now.
"The whole history of the progress of human Liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of struggle...If there is no struggle there is no progress...The struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." ~ Frederick Douglass, 1857
Monday, October 12, 2015
Formal exercise of "Essential civilian demand" for the “strategic resource” Cannabis "hemp"
“The greatest service which can be rendered any country
is to add a useful plant to its culture.”
"Hemp is of first necessity
to the wealth and protection
of the country."
Thomas Jefferson
3rd U.S. President
Cannabis farmer
3rd U.S. President
Cannabis farmer
Whereas I am a sovereign individual free man, born sixty years ago, in the California Republic; who bears a sacred legacy of American freedoms, inherited from my Father and my Mother
Whereas I am bound by honor and a father’s love to the ancient, primary, sacred, paternal responsibility I owe my child, born eight years ago in the California Republic
Whereas I was raised to appreciate and respect incomprehensible sacrifices made by previous generations; to honor the hallowed ideals of Justice and Freedom, immutably enumerated in the Bill of Rights and Constitution of the United States
Whereas, I have been socialized from the age of five, through pledging a sincere oath of “allegiance to the flag of the United States of America; And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All” ; thereby deeply imbedding individual, patriotic responsibility in my heart & mind
Whereas a lifetime graced with uncommon immersion in Nature, for extraordinary lengths of time, have grown my respect and appreciation of the ageless wisdom we are all connected to, shared with all life, and our living planet
Whereas the justification for immediate exercise of "essential civilian demand" is conveyed by what I, and others, perceive to be the time-limited opportunity of addressing multiple, environmental conditions and imbalances in global systemic relationships;
Whereas 'time' is the only thing we cannot make more of, making it the “limiting-factor” in the equation of survival
Whereas prolonged inaction shortens everyone’s odds of survival, with every growing season that passes being gone forever, an opportunity missed
Whereas atmospheric and climate changes are causing geochemical shifts in Earth's systemic balance, threatening individual health, national security and global integrity at such profound levels as to potentiate global extinction
Whereas the urgency could not be greater for initiating the most time-efficient, emergency preparedness protocol reintroducing Cannabis "hemp" for the purpose of mitigating both the causes and the effects of compounding systemic imbalances
Whereas Cannabis agriculture is uniquely capable of serving as an essential agronomic tool for expanding the arable base and resolving several aspects of systemic imbalance simultaneously
Whereas Cannabis is the only crop that produces complete nutrition and sustainable energy, from the same harvest, eliminating the trade-off between biofuels production and food security
Whereas Cannabis is the only crop capable of generating sufficient quantities of atmospheric aerosol monoterpenes, needed to replenish solar-protective aerosols lost with the catastrophic deaths of Earth's boreal forests and marine phytoplankton
Whereas Cannabis is the only crop capable of generating sufficient quantities if cloud condensation nuclei to replenish Earth’s atmosphere to the levels that existed just fifty years ago
Whereas drugs don’t make seeds, and herbs do; And because a drug can be made from an herb but an herb cannot be made from a drug
Whereas there are many differences between drugs and herbs that require a legal distinction be made to obviate vagueness and restore the functional integrity of our laws
Whereas prohibition is known to foster corruption in law enforcement, the judicial system and government, while serving the financial interests of criminal elements, drug cartels and global crime syndicates
Whereas the key institutional and governance challenge to delivery of cross-sectoral and comprehensive policies is transcending the irrational institutional prejudice against the most nutritious, essential agricultural resource on Earth
Whereas The United States Conference of Mayors adopted a resolution at its 78th Annual Meeting recognizing that “for many people, medical marijuana is the safest and most effective medicine to treat their conditions”
Whereas any restrictions, regulation, taxation or burdening of Cannabis agriculture works against the time-limited opportunity we may have
Whereas a realistic, responsible time-assessment of climate changes, that are threatening the systemic balance of the entire world, demands an immediate, proportionate, effective global response, or we will likely achieve extinction before the end of the 21st century.
Whereas increasing UV-B radiation, increasing atmospheric CO2, and the increases in temperature and acidity of Earth's oceans, is causing melting sub-Arctic methane hydrates, the death of the world's coral reefs, confounding global eco-systemic interrelationships that are beyond mankind's understanding or control
Whereas we are approaching irreversible ripping-points, without sufficient understanding of Earth's systems to comprehend the degree of urgency
Whereas we are approaching irreversible ripping-points, without sufficient understanding of Earth's systems to comprehend the degree of urgency
Whereas the problems we face result from humankind working against Nature, it seems beyond obvious to recognize the importance of working with natural systems to heal the imbalances imposed by man's industrial assault against Nature
Whereas in order for our species to be symbiotic with the planet upon which we depend, rather than continuing to be parasitic, the values and priorities of governance must prioritize the Laws of Nature over the laws of man.
Whereas Cannabis is an “herb bearing seed” and cannot be tenably listed as a “drug”
Whereas the laws prohibiting Cannabis cultivation induce essential resource scarcity,
Whereas Cannabis prohibition violates the Laws of God and Nature
Whereas there are at least 31 harms associated with the prohibition of Cannabis, for which there is no accountability or proportionate moral justification
Therefore Cannabis is an “herb bearing seed” protected under the U.S. and State Constitutions under our “First Freedom” without which there can be no credible, morally accountable system of Justice. Our freedom to farm "every herb bearing seed" is the first test of religious freedom.
Federal Legal Argument
Unambiguous First Amendment legitimacy over "every herb bearing seed" (2) is conveyed by the fact that drugs don't make seeds. Herbs do. Man can make a drug from an herb, but we cannot make an herb from a drug. They are not the same thing. Prohibition of any "herb bearing seed" is clearly beyond the rightful jurisdiction of any court. Because Cannabis is both unique and essential to mankind's sustainable existence on this planet, it can be recognized as our species' functional interface with the Natural Order established by "The Creator."
The spiritually-founded practice of organic agriculture is integral to mankind's symbiotic relationship with regional integrity as well as the Earth in its entirety. As long as mankind continues to consume environmental toxins, valued as economically viable resources, our species will qualify as parasitic to our host, the Earth. As Gaia becomes increasingly hot, toxic and unpredictable, we are at the point of irreversible degeneration, condemning our children to an increasingly violent, sickly, and unlivable hospice planet.
I am therefore obligated to send the most peaceful, formal notice of "essential civilian demand" for Cannabis "hemp"; with the intention in so doing, of immediately reclaiming my individual freedom to farm "every herb bearing seed."
Identified as a "strategic resource" that has been specifically referenced in seven Presidential Executive Orders (including E.O. 13603, signed by you on March 16, 2012, currently in-force), national, emergency preparedness procedures, prioritizing climate change mitigation
"I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more." (Ezekiel 34:29)
Thank you for boldly facing climate change with realistic and purposeful vision. Your spiritually enlightened expression of respect for God's gifts of Nature, elevates humanity into alignment with The Creator at a crucial moment in mankind's history.
Unfathomably intricate, interconnected relationships, within which mankind participates, must be reevaluated as essential. Man's laws must return to reason, reflecting our self-disciplined respect for God the Father's wisdom. If our Earth Mother is to be healed, systemic balance must be restored, for the good of all.
I am writing to express and encourage public support for your open-hearted, clear-minded leadership, in considering every possible remedy for recovering climate balance. I offer you very good news, that has not yet been seriously regarded by the corrupted regime running amok in the United States.
I am compelled by necessity, to ask your help, in focusing your Eminence's global influence on a novel, biogenic remedy, critically necessary to ending mankind's worst crime spree against Nature. By recognizing the true, essential value of Cannabis, prohibition must be ended globally, by "essential civilian demand."
Cannabis is mankind's functional interface with the Natural Order. There are several properties of Cannabis that make the crop both unique and essential for mankind's sustainable, symbiotic existence within the operating systems of the Earth.
By legislating a fraudulent value against Nature's most useful and uniquely essential "herb bearing seed," prohibition has imposed disvaluation of Cannabis. Prohibition presumes to judge God for making this most useful plant.
Essential natural resource scarcity has misled mankind to the brink of environmental collapse and moral bankruptcy.
I am pleased to offer an achievable, affordable solution to several major global problems, with particular urgency required, for increasing levels of solar UV-B radiation which is accelerating climate imbalance. It is a time-limited opportunity, as conditions degenerate toward irreversible global systemic collapse.
The true, unique and essential values of the plant, for healing our bodies and Earth's atmosphere, preclude rightful jurisdiction by any court. Our freedom to farm "every herb bearing seed" is the first test of religious freedom. "Every green herb" is our rightful legacy, a responsibility we have to pass along intact to future generations.
Organic Cannabis is the only crop that produces complete nutrition and sustainable energy from the same harvest; while sequestering twelve tons of carbon from the atmosphere per acre per growing season. This feature of the plant makes Cannabis essential. Cannabis is the only plant that produces sufficient volume of monoterpenes to replace what has been lost with the death of the boreal forests. Cannabis is the only crop that produces enough fiber to satisfy humanity's voracious appetite for paper. If you were to recognize that Cannabis is essential to resolving climate imbalance, then the shift into alignment with natural values would happen much sooner, as it must.
If prohibition of Cannabis "hemp" had never been imposed, mankind would have remained in balance with Nature. The fundamental challenge of our time is a pivotal, polar shift in values from "illegal" to essential. Mankind is far beyond its rightful authority in legislating scarcity of an unique and essential food resource upon which other species also depend for their survival.
'Time' has become the limiting-factor in the equation of survival. Time is the only thing we can' t make more of. I trust you will agree it is time to consider all possible Earth-healing, "Gaiatherapeutic" protocols, needed immediately for healing our planet.
Unfortunately, Nature's most gifted, essential plant partner was legislated into scarcity. Such was the impact of this mis-leadership, that over time, human morals and values have degenerated into complete disregard for the works of God, The Creator.
The legitimate value of the Creator's finest gift to the world is finally being acknowledged for all of its many essential benefits. Perhaps most urgently is the need to generate atmospheric aerosol "monoterpenes," produced in abundance by hemp. Concentrations of monoterpenes in the atmosphere and hydrologic cycle have been reduced by about 50%, with the death of 50% of the Earth's boreal forests and about 40% of the marine phytoplankton.
As far as I can tell, there are seven uniquely essential properties that make Cannabis agriculture increasingly urgent. There are 31 harms caused by the prohibition of Cannabis. Please feel invited to consider further explanation in my book, available on Amazon, entitled "Cannabis vs. Climate Change."
In truth, drugs don't make seeds. Herbs make seeds. God gave "every herb bearing seed" to mankind and all of the other creatures of the Earth.I am writing on behalf of the contemporary Cannabis culture, to introduce you to "a plant of renown," uniquely qualified to heal climate imbalance. Perhaps you may also experience the same shift in value that completely reset Dr. Sanjay Gupta's awareness, eliciting a public apology for misrepresenting the Cannabis plant's true value in healing people of illness.
I trust I can depend on all possible help in achieving the necessary, polar shift in Cannabis value, from "illegal" to essential, based in respect for Nature and recognition of the hemp plant' s unique and essential "strategic" values.
Thank you so much for your consideration, and for your great works.
Sincerely yours,
Paul J. von Hartmann, Cannabis scholar
California Cannabis Ministry
McCloud, California, USA
On-line References
1. Holy Bible, Genesis 1:29-31
2. United States Bill of Rights, Article 1
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. Executive Order 13603
5. CFR 44
6. Materials Act of 1950
7. Executive Order 12919
8. Cannabis vs. Climate Change
9. FEMA Glossary
10. Pledge of Allegiance
Portrait of Thomas Jefferson by Maria von Hartmann, 1976. Painted on porcelain china, in honor and appreciation of our Nation’s bi-Centennial. Thomas Jefferson was our 3rd President
Monday, September 14, 2015
"Cannabis vs. Climate Change"
"Cannabis vs. Climate Change" on Vimeo is intended as a tool for ending Cannabis prohibition completely and immediately.
If we don't fix climate change, it won't matter what problems mankind does manage to figure out.
If we don't fix climate change, it won't matter what problems mankind does manage to figure out.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
An Open Letter to Pope Francis I
An Open Letter to His Holiness Pope Francis I
In answer to your global mandate,
prioritizing mankind's return to respect for Nature.
Dear Pope Francis,
Thank you for facing climate change with a realistic and purposeful vision. Your expression of respect for God's gifts of Nature, elevates humanity into alignment with the Creator's systemic, integrated, web-of-life, at a pivotal moment in mankind's history.
I am writing to encourage support for your essential wisdom in considering every possible remedy for recovering environmental balance. The intricate, interconnected relationships in which mankind participates must be regarded with a genuine, functional morality. If our Earth Mother is to be healed of man's past errors, atmospheric balance must be restored soon.
I offer very good news, of an organic agricultural strategy for healing several major imbalances. A time-limited urgency accompanies the uncertainties concerning effects of increasing solar UV-B radiation. that has not yet been seriously acknowledged by political leadership in the United States.
I ask your help, in focusing your global influence on a novel, biogenic remedy, necessary to healing Nature. By recognizing the true, essential value of Cannabis, prohibition could be ended globally, by "essential civilian demand."
There are several properties of Cannabis that make the crop both unique and essential for mankind's sustainable, symbiotic existence within the operating systems of the Earth. Cannabis agriculture is mankind's functional interface with the Natural Order, an agronomic tool necessary for us to evolve values of balance between consumption and moral ecology.
By legislating a fraudulent value against Nature's most useful and uniquely essential "herb bearing seed," prohibition has imposed essential resource scarcity. Prohibition judge's God and Nature as criminals for this most useful plant. Essential resource scarcity has misled mankind to toxic values, at the brink of environmental collapse and moral bankruptcy.
I propose an achievable, affordable solution to several major global problems at once. Particular urgency exists for healing the increasing levels of solar UV-B radiation that accelerates climate imbalance.
Ours is a time-limited opportunity for survival as conditions degenerate toward irreversible, global systemic collapse. The shift in value from "illegal" to essential is inevitable. Cannabis prohibition must end. The question is whether it will end quickly and completely enough.
The true, unique and essential values of the plant, for healing our bodies and Earth's atmosphere, preclude rightful jurisdiction over Cannabis, by any court. Our freedom to farm "every herb bearing seed" is the first test of religious freedom. "Every green herb" is our rightful legacy, that comes with the responsibility to pass those hard-won freedoms along intact to future generations.
Organic Cannabis is the only crop that produces complete nutrition and sustainable energy from the same harvest. Cannabis grown in organic soil is capable of sequestering twelve tons of carbon per acre from the atmosphere each growing season. This feature of the plant makes Cannabis essential. Cannabis is the only plant that produces sufficient volume of monoterpenes to replace what has been lost with the death of the boreal forests. Cannabis is the only crop that produces enough fiber to satisfy humanity's voracious appetite for paper. If you were to recognize that Cannabis is essential to resolving climate imbalance, then the shift into alignment with natural values would happen much sooner, as it must.
If prohibition of Cannabis "hemp" had never been imposed, mankind would have remained in balance with Nature. The fundamental challenge of our time is a pivotal, polar shift in values from "illegal" to essential. Mankind is far beyond its rightful authority in legislating scarcity of an unique and essential food resource upon which other species also depend for their survival.
'Time' has become the limiting-factor in the equation of survival. Time is the only thing we can' t make more of. I trust you will agree it is time to consider all possible Earth-healing, "Gaiatherapeutic" protocols, needed immediately for healing our planet.
Unfortunately, Nature's most gifted, essential plant partner was legislated into scarcity. Such was the impact of this mislead earshot, that over time, human morals and values have degenerated into complete disregard for the works of God, The Creator, what I refer to as "The Great YouNameIt."
The legitimate value of the Creator's finest gift to the world is finally being acknowledged for all of its many essential benefits. Perhaps most urgently is the need to generate atmospheric aerosol "monoterpenes," produced in abundance by hemp. Concentrations of monoterpenes in the atmosphere and hydrologic cycle have been reduced by about 50%, with the death of 50% of the Earth's boreal forests and about 40% of the marine phytoplankton.
As far as I can tell, there are seven uniquely essential properties that make Cannabis agriculture increasingly urgent. Please feel invited to consider further explanation in my book, available on Amazon, entitled "Cannabis vs. Climate Change."
I am also writing to ask that you intervene in the violation of religious freedom being inflicted on my dear, long-time friend and activist, Reverend Roger Christie, founder of the Hawai'i THC Ministry, in Hilo. Roger's ministry closed without regard to his state license, after ten years of open and public community service. He was indefinitely imprisoned without trial, denied bail eight times, and disallowed visitors for four and a half years.
After three and a half years in prison, Roger was coerced into signing a "plea deal" in order to be released. His wife, Share Christie (St. Cyr) is now threatened with 27 months in prison, pending their appeal.
Share, Roger and I are Cannabis ministers, spiritual seekers, among millions in the world's oldest global culture, people who have appreciated the blessings of the sacred herb throughout millennia. The first person awarded as a Ho'omaluhia Peacemaker, in 2001, Roger's ministry was raided in 2010 after ten years of open and much appreciated public service. Imprisoned without trial or bail for four and a half years, Roger stood strongly and honorably for religious freedom, without a single violation while in prison.
I invite you to stand with us for truth, religious freedom and due process of law, and. Ask that you intervene on Share's behalf so that this gentle woman can remain free, to be with her husband, friends and family.
In truth, drugs don't make seeds. Herbs make seeds. God gave "every herb bearing seed" to mankind and all of the other creatures of the Earth.I am writing on behalf of the contemporary Cannabis culture, to introduce you to "a plant of renown," uniquely qualified to heal climate imbalance. Perhaps you may also experience the same shift in value that completely reset Dr. Sanjay Gupta's awareness of the Cannabis plant's true value in healing people of illness.
We are asking your help in achieving a necessary polar shift in Cannabis value, from "illegal" to essential, based in respect for Nature and recognition of the hemp plant' s unique and essential value.
Thank you so much for your consideration, and for your great works.
Sincerely yours,
Paul J. von Hartmann, Cannabis scholar
California Cannabis Ministry
McCloud, California, USA
In answer to your global mandate,
prioritizing mankind's return to respect for Nature.
Dear Pope Francis,
Thank you for facing climate change with a realistic and purposeful vision. Your expression of respect for God's gifts of Nature, elevates humanity into alignment with the Creator's systemic, integrated, web-of-life, at a pivotal moment in mankind's history.
I am writing to encourage support for your essential wisdom in considering every possible remedy for recovering environmental balance. The intricate, interconnected relationships in which mankind participates must be regarded with a genuine, functional morality. If our Earth Mother is to be healed of man's past errors, atmospheric balance must be restored soon.
I offer very good news, of an organic agricultural strategy for healing several major imbalances. A time-limited urgency accompanies the uncertainties concerning effects of increasing solar UV-B radiation. that has not yet been seriously acknowledged by political leadership in the United States.
I ask your help, in focusing your global influence on a novel, biogenic remedy, necessary to healing Nature. By recognizing the true, essential value of Cannabis, prohibition could be ended globally, by "essential civilian demand."
There are several properties of Cannabis that make the crop both unique and essential for mankind's sustainable, symbiotic existence within the operating systems of the Earth. Cannabis agriculture is mankind's functional interface with the Natural Order, an agronomic tool necessary for us to evolve values of balance between consumption and moral ecology.
By legislating a fraudulent value against Nature's most useful and uniquely essential "herb bearing seed," prohibition has imposed essential resource scarcity. Prohibition judge's God and Nature as criminals for this most useful plant. Essential resource scarcity has misled mankind to toxic values, at the brink of environmental collapse and moral bankruptcy.
I propose an achievable, affordable solution to several major global problems at once. Particular urgency exists for healing the increasing levels of solar UV-B radiation that accelerates climate imbalance.
Ours is a time-limited opportunity for survival as conditions degenerate toward irreversible, global systemic collapse. The shift in value from "illegal" to essential is inevitable. Cannabis prohibition must end. The question is whether it will end quickly and completely enough.
The true, unique and essential values of the plant, for healing our bodies and Earth's atmosphere, preclude rightful jurisdiction over Cannabis, by any court. Our freedom to farm "every herb bearing seed" is the first test of religious freedom. "Every green herb" is our rightful legacy, that comes with the responsibility to pass those hard-won freedoms along intact to future generations.
Organic Cannabis is the only crop that produces complete nutrition and sustainable energy from the same harvest. Cannabis grown in organic soil is capable of sequestering twelve tons of carbon per acre from the atmosphere each growing season. This feature of the plant makes Cannabis essential. Cannabis is the only plant that produces sufficient volume of monoterpenes to replace what has been lost with the death of the boreal forests. Cannabis is the only crop that produces enough fiber to satisfy humanity's voracious appetite for paper. If you were to recognize that Cannabis is essential to resolving climate imbalance, then the shift into alignment with natural values would happen much sooner, as it must.
If prohibition of Cannabis "hemp" had never been imposed, mankind would have remained in balance with Nature. The fundamental challenge of our time is a pivotal, polar shift in values from "illegal" to essential. Mankind is far beyond its rightful authority in legislating scarcity of an unique and essential food resource upon which other species also depend for their survival.
'Time' has become the limiting-factor in the equation of survival. Time is the only thing we can' t make more of. I trust you will agree it is time to consider all possible Earth-healing, "Gaiatherapeutic" protocols, needed immediately for healing our planet.
Unfortunately, Nature's most gifted, essential plant partner was legislated into scarcity. Such was the impact of this mislead earshot, that over time, human morals and values have degenerated into complete disregard for the works of God, The Creator, what I refer to as "The Great YouNameIt."
The legitimate value of the Creator's finest gift to the world is finally being acknowledged for all of its many essential benefits. Perhaps most urgently is the need to generate atmospheric aerosol "monoterpenes," produced in abundance by hemp. Concentrations of monoterpenes in the atmosphere and hydrologic cycle have been reduced by about 50%, with the death of 50% of the Earth's boreal forests and about 40% of the marine phytoplankton.
As far as I can tell, there are seven uniquely essential properties that make Cannabis agriculture increasingly urgent. Please feel invited to consider further explanation in my book, available on Amazon, entitled "Cannabis vs. Climate Change."
I am also writing to ask that you intervene in the violation of religious freedom being inflicted on my dear, long-time friend and activist, Reverend Roger Christie, founder of the Hawai'i THC Ministry, in Hilo. Roger's ministry closed without regard to his state license, after ten years of open and public community service. He was indefinitely imprisoned without trial, denied bail eight times, and disallowed visitors for four and a half years.
After three and a half years in prison, Roger was coerced into signing a "plea deal" in order to be released. His wife, Share Christie (St. Cyr) is now threatened with 27 months in prison, pending their appeal.
Share, Roger and I are Cannabis ministers, spiritual seekers, among millions in the world's oldest global culture, people who have appreciated the blessings of the sacred herb throughout millennia. The first person awarded as a Ho'omaluhia Peacemaker, in 2001, Roger's ministry was raided in 2010 after ten years of open and much appreciated public service. Imprisoned without trial or bail for four and a half years, Roger stood strongly and honorably for religious freedom, without a single violation while in prison.
I invite you to stand with us for truth, religious freedom and due process of law, and. Ask that you intervene on Share's behalf so that this gentle woman can remain free, to be with her husband, friends and family.
In truth, drugs don't make seeds. Herbs make seeds. God gave "every herb bearing seed" to mankind and all of the other creatures of the Earth.I am writing on behalf of the contemporary Cannabis culture, to introduce you to "a plant of renown," uniquely qualified to heal climate imbalance. Perhaps you may also experience the same shift in value that completely reset Dr. Sanjay Gupta's awareness of the Cannabis plant's true value in healing people of illness.
We are asking your help in achieving a necessary polar shift in Cannabis value, from "illegal" to essential, based in respect for Nature and recognition of the hemp plant' s unique and essential value.
Thank you so much for your consideration, and for your great works.
Sincerely yours,
Paul J. von Hartmann, Cannabis scholar
California Cannabis Ministry
McCloud, California, USA
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Good News for Earth Day -- climate change can be healed.
Cannabis is medicine for Mother Earth too.
The "good news" is, there may be something we can do to heal the Earth. Planting hemp seeds takes very little time & effort, costs almost nothing, and all people everywhere can participate in helping recover systemic balance of our planet.
Though incredibly simple, and achievable, this is a very time-limited offer. There’s no guarantee that we are not already too late. There’s no guarantee that we will still have this opportunity next year, or next month, or tomorrow. What’s certain is that if we fail, it will be our children and grandchildren who will suffer the worst of the violent and sickly systemic collapse we have initiated. Many people already suffer from the scarcity imposed by the so-called “drug war.”
I just lost a dear friend to cancer. If Marshall had been able to combine Cannabis therapy with the pharmaceuticals he needed for pain relief in the hospital, he might have made it to his 61st birthday, April 20th.
And so it is with the Earth itself. If mankind chooses to survive, then we must coordinate our collective human ability to communicate. Our entire species must intentionally adapt our social evolution to what we know to be true about Cannabis, with primary consideration for the environmental relationships we may yet be able to rebalance.
Governments will not make the shift in values needed quickly enough without a specific, coordinated public effort. The economic inertia of past “Gaiacidal” values have rendered intransigent control over governance by a toxic-industrial cabal of greed, affording the means for global manipulation and misleadership. Governments have been bought, favoring private interests, not the public good. Problems are profitable for the corporate outlaws selling expensive solutions that only create more problems.
We are all being force-fed unlabeled, GMO’d Frankenfoods; sprayed with carcinogens and dosed, against our will with pesticides and pharmaceutical drugs, through our air & water. If we are to successfully avert systemic collapse, we must do it now, without further regard to the false human values we were born into, nor the fraud imposed by ignorance and bigotry.
Cannabis is an essential “herb bearing seed” -- it can’t be prohibited. Wake Up! Drugs don’t make seeds. Herbs make seeds. Our freedom to farm “every herb bearing seed” is the first test of religious freedom.
Any government that imposes essential resource scarcity is a traitor to its own people. Prohibition is treason against God, country, and the Earth itself. Court-imposed scarcity of an essential, “strategic resource” during a time of systemic collapse, is malfeasant on a scale that defies logic, urgency and the principles of Justice.
April 23, 2015
"Cannabis vs. Climate Change : How hot does Earth have to get before all solutions are considered?"
Sunday, April 5, 2015
“Essential civilian demand” for “every herb bearing seed.” Spring 2015.

I invite those people who recognize the wisdom in Nature, and the sacred dimensions of human existence, to join in exercising “essential civilian demand” for Cannabis. It is my intention to advance realistically, scientifically and legally, through this pivotal era. I am motivated by concern for my child, my friends and family, my community and the world of friends I have not met yet. I am motivated by love for all creatures who share this time and space with us. I am motivated by respect for our Mother the Earth, upon whose bosom we gratefully depend.
At this moment in human social evolution, nothing is more urgent than the cooperation and peaceful coordination of like-minded folk, who are willing & able to think and act 'outside the bong.' Hurdling obsolete "legal" constructs in a timely way has become the responsible course of immediate, global action.
The polar shift in values we are witnessing has achieved sufficient popular momentum in response to increasing public awareness of the true, essential values of Cannabis, and urgency imposed by the threat of extinction. The tipping-point of the social dynamics necessarily accelerate changes in human governance. Past, conventional, time-wasting protocols that have thus-far failed to effect the degree of change needed to implement global Cannabis freedom, can be clearly seen in historical, statistical retrospect to have created the problems that the “drug war” was supposed to have solved, and more.
We live at the “eleventh hour” of human existence, threatened with imminent systemic collapse. Time has become the limiting factor in the equation determining the quality of life on Earth in the future. Our species’ survival, or our violent and sickly extinction depends on what we do now, this Spring of 2015. It is our responsibility, to ourselves, our children, our ancestors and future generations, to initiate the Earth's biogenic healing mechanism that is most globally and immediately available.
I believe with all of my heart, intuition, experience and intellect, that biodynamic Cannabis farming and gardening is the healing mechanism needed to rebalance the atmosphere, and shift from unevenly distributed, toxic, finite chemically-based economic system, to an agriculturally founded value system, based in respect for and cooperation with Nature..
Cognizant of the present, degenerating tragedies of violence, war and ecosystem collapse symptomatic of global systemic collapse, currently evidenced in every region of the planet, it is at least prudent to implement the federal "emergency preparedness" protocol that is referenced in five U.S. documents as "essential civilian demand."
Seven Presidential Executive Orders specifically name "hemp" as a "strategic resource." Two of those [1,2] convey legal authority for "essential civilian demand" in coordinating a timely, effective “emergency preparedness” response to the clear and present global systemic imbalance.
If this Spring planting season passes without hemp seed in the ground, then that in itself is proof that our species does not have the ability to adapt, to evolve beyond the obsolete constructs that have imposed scarcity of an unique and essential “strategic resource.”
Certainly, incontestable proof of increasing solar UV-B radiation is the most under-regarded, aspect of climate change. Increasing "UV-Broiling" is deadly, invisible and ubiquitous. Compounding feedback loops associated "global broiling" have manifested in illnesses, famine, death, and indicator species extinction, by confounding systems and relationships that are fundamental to balance of the Natural Order.
The most time-efficient, non-litagious, federal protocol for achieving a peaceful, timely transition to the reality of true, essential, abundant "strategic" Cannabis values, is yet to be invoked. What is the reason for that?
Time is so limited, the opportunity for reversing the harms we have imposed on the Earth is passing so quickly. Mankind is responding so sluggishly, illogically perpetuating the poisoning of the Earth, denying the true value of Nature’s greatest plant gift.
People (and just about every other animal species) have endocannabinoid systems to regulate systemic health. It is not too much of a stretch to recognize that if mankind is to exist symbiotically within the Natural Order of this planet, then the planet Herself has a need for Cannabis, to maintain our presence, and feed our desires, in harmony with the “Web of Life.”
Arguments against Cannabis are so transparently false and insulting to empirical understanding, recent history and scientific intelligence as to be evolutionarily regressive to the point of criminality. Prohibition is institutionalized corporate treason against God, country, global society, and our Mother Earth. The polar, pivotal shift in values from “illegal” to essential, in the court of public opinion, will heal that.
The true essential value of Cannabis will eventually be recognized. With so many uses and benefits to the Earth, Cannabis has become critically essential to mankind's continued existence on this planet. The REAL question is, "How hot does the Earth have to get?” before the polar shift in values from "illegal" to essential changes to the Earth's Reality Channel, featuring irreversible systemic collapse?
Will mankind continue to under-react? Climbing atmospheric carbon levels, increasing sea temperatures and ocean acidity; melting clathrate deposits in the sub-Arctic bubbling methane into the atmosphere; and increasing UV-B radiation increasing the solubility of mercury, arsenic and selenium compounds? Really? Are we that slow? Are we so entrenched in the mundane and frivolous that we cannot adjust to the pace of change that’s required for our own existence?
There is considerable legal purchase in the indisputable fact that "drugs" don't make seeds. Herbs do. You can make a drug from an herb, but you cannot make an herb from a drug. They are not the same thing.
Our freedom to farm “every herb bearing seed” is the first test of religious freedom. “Every green herb” was given to every creature that walks the Earth, the Creator of everything. Prohibition of Cannabis is an insult to the Creator, by any name, and a violation of man’s and animal’s most basic right to eat what grows, abundantly and for free.
Give thanks for such food, fuels, cloth, paper, safe & effective herbal therapeutics. Thanks too to Cannabis for the atmospheric aerosol monoterpenes that shield the Earth from the deadly wavelengths of ultraviolet light emanating from our Sun. Thanks as well to Cannabis and the soil organisms that work together to sequester twelve tons of carbon per organically grown acre, per growing season.
Biblical quotes from the U.S. government's officially recognized "God," convey First Amendment legitimacy in re-claiming our immutable right to "every herb bearing seed." Prohibition is treason against God, country and Mother Earth. The contemporary Cannabis culture must overcome more than seven decades of intimidation and judgement (based in corporate lies and racial prejudice) to recognize the true, essential, unique value of Cannabis. We can all begin today, immediately by capitalizing her genus name again, without fear or shame!
Paul J. von Hartmann
April 5, 2015
1. Executive Order 12919, Clinton, 1994.
2. Executive Order 13603, Obama, 2012.
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